Windows Tech Support Scam

Here is an example of a fake tech support popup. You sometimes stumble across it from a phishing email or you might land on the site when doing normal Google searches. In some cases, it is embedded in a fake ad.

It’s basically a website that tries to disguise itself as a computer system warning. It usually is accompanied by a robotic voice asking you to call the support number RIGHT AWAY to avoid any disruptions.


It is absolutely NOT Microsoft or Apple or Google or your bank. Once you call the number you get put into the “Virus Scam Queue” where the scammer tries to coerce you into either giving up personal information like your bank account number or SSN or they often try to get you to download a remote access program so they can “help” you. Once they get access to your computer they look for personal information like account passwords or credit card info.

So avoid the whole scam process by not calling any of the fake numbers in first place.

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