Unable To Print To PDF From Windows 7

If you are using the AdobePDF print driver to create PDFs, you may run into problems when trying to create a PDF from a webpage.

This is because of the wonderful Windows 7 security. 🙂

You can create the PDFs if you run Internet Explorer as the Administrator. However, right-clicking to do the Run As Administrator can be a pain, especially for a commonly used application like Internet Explorer.

So to always run IE as the Adminstrator do this:

1) Create a shortcut to IE on your desktop.
2) Right click on the shortcut and select properties.
3) Click on Advanced.
4) Check the Run as Administrator box.

Now you will still get the mildly annoying UAC warning when you click on the shortcut. However, it’s just once for each time you run IE so it might not be too obtrusive.

The other option would be to turn lower your UAC rights entirely although you then open yourself up to potential viruses.

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